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IRASHAIMASE!!! Opening The Doors To The 3rd Music Room, The Host Club Is Ready To Serve U!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
HI!!! My internet in hostel sucks so couldn't blog haha....
VIVA Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my 3rd wk in Adelaide.... Finally started to do work and learn things.
Currently doing plasma deposition on microarrays ........it glows really nicely lol....Also doing some animal cell culture because we want to see if anything can grow on the microarray spots with Bovine Serum Albumin...i am doing protein microarrays. I got a box of my own gloves, kimwipes and water....haha...i work from 9.30am to 2.30 pm only yay!!!!!!!!!! Also i am happy that she said i am going to be doing everything, i was like thinking "finally" lol...but my supervisor is a nice lady....and when she talks i jus nod....curse singapore english!!!!!!!!!!!!! i kou chi leh (spoke too much mandarin the past 2 years with QZ and ZY lol...need to brush up on speaking skills liao....)

i am starting to get use to the lifestyle here. Its very "my pace" kind of life...haha.....though the mall food is ex and bus fare is ex too....but they travel long distance. Can u believe those small bottles of coke in vending machine costs AUD$3/4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my soft drinks all bought frm supermarket and can get really big bottles cheaply. Potato chips big bags like Ruffles damn cheap WOOT...i'll be buying lots back >_<

The first few days here i spent $200 to go and see Kangaroo Island...Its is a famous tourist spot in Adelaide and we took 2 hrs bus ride and 45 mins ferry ride b4 arriving....That wk was FREAKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! So was the 2nd wk....I think it reached 40 DC...No KANGAROOS some more (cries) but got see koalas (but they stuck way up in the tree...their paws are cute though.) Took lots of scenery pictures....the sky really blue and the sea really clear blue....NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the second wk which is the 5th day here, we went to UniSA and meet our supervisors yay!!!!!!!!!! Ya and the food at the cafe on campus also pretty ex...WTF... so now in the 3rd wk i brought cup noodles bought frm supermarket....haha can use the kitchens here. The labs here are pretty good and for my project i'll be learning quite alot of new equipments...(need to take lotsa notes) But then that wk NO NEED TO WK....My supervisor needed to go to a conference for a couple of days and she was still planning....So she said "U can go to the city with ur friends and have fun, go to the beach etc..." haha....Therefore i slacked in the hostel for 3 days while everybody goes to wk....Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On sat last wk, went to Glenelg the beach area with D, A, PL n M....The weather suddenly turned freezing cold on wed...tues was 37 DC lol....The beach was not bad though not as nice as on KI. Water was cold too...Then we walked down the area and shop....i bought a not bad dress for $25. In fact i bought a blue sweater the nxt day for $30...haha...Hey here in the mall close to hostel got sell those jap long socks for $8 and $12 lol...i confirm will buy one...and i wanna buy a cap too..... Also the first few days here i quickly bought a big pillow for $4.50 and it wks...i can sleep better lol....

To talk about my hostel now...its ok lah...slightly better than i imagined and its like the cheapest lol...Thankfully the room is carpeted and they provided a not bad desk and comfy chair and wooo...a fridge!!!!!!!! There's a mall called Tea Tree Plaza nearby and right nxt to a hospital so if anything happens no prob...there's a bus-stop right outside to go to wk and a bus interchange nearby too...so not too bad... the city has some cool and nice buildings :3 The only thing i not happy is the toilets....ya and now the blasted internet connection....i paid $30 for 4gb of internet dl leh....but either i used finish the bytes or the system really got something wrong.

Will be busy the nxt few wks doing plasma and growing and counting cells maybe.... And then hopefully can do XPS and ToF-SiMS b4 i leave....

I on MSN probably s'pore time 7-8 pm should be ok....then i sleep around s'pore time 10+pm cause Adelaide is like 1 am liao.... REMEMBER ITS 2 and a half hrs difference here ^.^

Give suggestions for ur omiages or u won't get one haha...just kidding. ciao.

Sakura Kiss

Saturday, December 01, 2007
YATTA!!!! IYOIYO my B-DAY liao!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally 18.....an impt age cause got privilege to do many things liao.
Watch M18 shows legally, can go casino without looking suspicious and can learn to drive car also...BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANKS to those who celebrate with me QZ n ZY for SURPRISING me with a cake with 1 candle after i treat u to KFC lol...haha....
Still the cake quite nice lah...Next time sing louder lei so can xing shang ur voice>.<

2dae my bday was spent in school cause need 2 perform 4 the Global Cultural Fest thing. We perform at 7pm sharp 1 song only then can go home already... Got many foreigners come and got see the 2 principals with GOH minister. Anyway i hurry home to eat cake yay!

Ma n Pa bought 2 Japanese cheese cake, my favourite since long time ago. Yum yum!!! Is quite ex and the cake shrink somemore.@_@..... i'm also $100 richer lol

Now 4 some pics.....

Getting candles ready


Smile n Pose 4 camera *.*

Wishing Time!!! I wish 4 WORLD PEACE...

Hurricane blower!!! Got 2 cakes to gao dim


Have to get rid of candle wax 1st else zong du leh

My favourite part. ITTADAKIMASU!!!
Sakura Kiss

Friday, September 21, 2007
Guess what??? The news is out......
My request for class transfer was NOT approved. Well......i sorta expected that as there is more than 90-95% chance of the school not approving. Since they open up another class to hold the extra ppl....that means there would not be vacancies for each class.
Anyway i've gotten mad for some time now so there was not much anger left when the office person called me and told me i was going to remain in 23. I just said 'ok' blindly...very stupid answer *_* After i put down the phone i realised i was THAT STUPID 4 forgetting to ask the reason for disapproval. Well....it might remain a mystery forever but i can guess.....
A few days ago i was quite hesitant about handing in the form cause i felt i was betraying the ppl from 21 who became 23s.....Jw and D lol.... After careful inspection and comparison of the 2123 timetables...i realised my timetable wasn't as bad as i ranted about how unfair it was for us at 1st. The freaking fri plsc practical was only 4 1 week and tues prac was for odd wk only..... but the time table still looks nicer for 21 loh >-<
I gave the stupid reason of attending cca late on tues and fri for the class transfer form...... i noe....damn lame lol :P It was my 1 n final chance to try to be 2gt with my buds but i guess i have 2 say sayonara to it liao lol.
Now the fate is sealed and i guess have to zhen zuo and make the best out of it. Have to learn to cope on my own and reach my desired goal...i hope.
Sakura Kiss

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I've never been so freaking pissed off and so unwilling 2 go back 2 school since i started poly.
WHY THE F*** DID THEY HAVE 2 SPLIT OUR CLASSES UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was quite happy that day too (it was the day results was out and i also went swimming with qz) until realisation shocked me and everyone involved.

It wasn't a pretty sight i tell u.....i felt like murdering whoever responsible for it and demanded 2 know an answer.
Since the school did not even post any announcements warning and giving a gd reason...... obviously the most obvious way was to go straight 2 cls office and politely demand the answer (as well as to find out the responsible ppl so i can hold a grudge on them forever).
And thus i gave up my time and went to get my answer ----to soothe my aching and murdurous heart as well as partial insommia 4 the past 2 days since we got the news.

The office ppl at first told us to find Dr Chiam but luckily she was not there. And so happens coincedently we met Dr Yuen. So i ask THE QUESTION---wtf is the sch thinking splitting us up after only a year n half???? (but those were not the exact words...u noe la >.<)
And my prediction was right....too many ppl....guess why? FM students a lot lol so cannot fit nice and snug into 2 classes that they SO KINDLY created another classes to divide the students up equally....Ya lol VERY GENEROUS

Turns out it was Dr pho and directors decision...(thankfully was not Audrey who did it as i quite respect and like her so i didn't wan 2 hold a grudge on her) NOW I CAN HAPPILY HOLD THE GRUDGE.....GRUDGE AWAY YAY!!!!

I was so pissed that day i printed out a class transfer form and filled in. I can't imagine how i going to cope without qz and zy....wat about fyp, practs? Also the fun and laughter in class.....
Even though a lot of classes still 2gt but time tables still different. I really need their help in alot of things and they helped me improve alot in grades and cause of them and ppl in 21 that i dun mind going 2 sch everyday 2 study. i had high hopes for this sem in working 2gt with them.........NNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUt i've calmed down quite alot now and convinced myself that it won't be too bad. Afterall many ppl are also suffering. If i can't transfer class then the best is to accept ur fate and just continue 2 do ur best.....I really need my grades up!

Sooooo i hope i won be too piss when i see the FM ppl in class when i go back to school.
Now must zhen xi the time with my buds.
Sakura Kiss

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hiya....Gosh i can't believe i stop blogging for so long....Very lazy to write.

Now 1 whole semester gone since my last post. SSSSOOO many things happen lol!!!

Good things: Went to Japan in June for band music exchange...YAY
Finish IBM Concert.....haha now my cca points over 40 liao


Well i did my best (not the very best) but best out when i didn't study to try not to get C this sem.....But then......i thinking for the worst (touch wood).

Anyway this sem is not too bad...some subjects still can cope but many......HAIZZZ
Now starting to think of ITP CVs la...interviews la....FYP...The time passes SO FAST until its really scary. Seriously lol.... i don't think i can cope with the interviews but i hope can get good placement so that not diu lian mah and then also worry my GPA can hardly make to uni lol.....

Now holidays just laze about. My computer now no need to work so hard cause cannot dl anime anymore (CURSE whoever responsible for that).....Snifff....i still got alot of series haven complete yet.....Online quality not that good but no choice....

This holidays must jian fei liao.... Jia You...Ganbatte!!!
Sakura Kiss

Friday, February 16, 2007

It's the holidays!!!! Even though i never update my blog 4 a long time....many things still happened.....like the exams over...Bwahahaha!!!!

Anyway...... a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to every one..... Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!!!! It's gonna be Chu 1 in like 2 days so go get your angbaos minna-san ^_^
This is the year of pigs so let's be one too...and guo a da fei nien ne...$.$

So...what have i been doing lately....ermm some shopping... i bought 2 dress/gowns(?) to wear for new year LOL at this fashion with qz and zy...
And then i did da sao chu....spent 2 days cleaning my rm and mop floor and clean windows.....haiizzzz.....
Then the most obvious one would be to watch anime and play games until morning.....super slack lol... 2_2

Recently got more shows to watch... my com space all used up....Noooooo!!!! And now finishing up some mangas.... i lent a few to zy and she wants to continue it yay!!! My recomendations are always right....haha.... then also lend my precious Naruto anime to qz, which from her blog can see she got watch...goody... i wonder how long 4 her to finish 200 episodes lol....

Finally bought the $40 plus KKM fanbk with drama cd.... but it turns out to be about the game which i probably would never ever get to play (No ps2 and not in japan some more) i thought it was about the anime....The anime guidebk is actually in 2 parts and cheaper lo....T_T WAAAA!!!! But i comforted myself with the quite short drama with Sakurai's voice and Ishida's Cho kawaii voice....it was very funny. And the game has very Kewl pics of the characters....Kawaii Yuuri and Wolfram *_* So it was not that bad after all...ARGHH i wanna play the game now since i got the strategy bk unknowingly.....

Well that's enough of my drabbles....Btw my no.1 SUPER EXTREME KAWAII bishounen is still the silver haired Crusnik from the previous previous post... i think....
And Kami-sama, fuo zu... pls bao yu my results for this sem cause i did VERY badly......
I'm soooo sorry and i swear to mug more nxt year's modules.....Domo Arigatou....( prays hard )

Ja minna-san... Enjoy the hols and the new year and have fun in da gong also.... May u all be P.I.Gs......(grins evilly. if u look at previous posts u will noe wat i meant)...
Oh...nearly forgotten...HAPPY Belated VALENTNE's DAY....Chuu (hearts)
Sakura Kiss

Saturday, January 13, 2007
YOZZZ.....Minna-san !!!!! ^.^
Haizzz.....school start liao....and in 2 wks is exam...iiiiyyyyaaaa!!!

I haven't start studying yet loh.....(roll eyes) Just failed my math quite badly.... i really should start to panic....

But got concert to look forward to!!!! Can't wait!!! I really going to enjoy it cause i performin mah...hahaha..... V_V

Nxt wk got A&P, biophy and chem test...then i also got that math re-test...then got that essay test 4 CRS....THEN IS THE IMPORTANT WEEEKKKK!!!!! I wanna die liao lol...(sigh and takes knife out) All subjects i dun understand!!!! I feel like tiao lou-ing now....U_U

The schedule is 29 jan mon AP chem at 6.00-8.10pm (DAMN it!!!! NIght paper so Swayyzzzzz!!!!)
Math 31 jan wed at 2.00-4.10pm (Afternoon paper also very swayyyzzz!!!!)
BSBM 2 Jan fri at 9.00-11.10am ( 3rd paper in week how to study looohhh SOBSS)
A&P 7 jan wed at 9.00-11.10 am (Why they put 1 paper so far lehhh...i want my hols sooner!!!!)

Maybe i need to bang my head on the wall or do something XXXX......
Or maybe i should just sleep earlier and cut down on anime....yep have to try and do this by nxt wk else for sure die ......

Anyways ....to all who have so politely DECLINE my offer to go to my band concert i hope u still can support me silently.....in ur heart....ur soul....AND help me to pass my quizes....

NYA NYA....from the cute me....wish everyone pass their exams with flying colours (i noe xs, yong si and all the smart ppl got no prob 1) and be in same class again. Hmm will change cls anot ah???
Sakura Kiss

Friday, December 29, 2006

Yahoo....It's after Xmas..... I went to eat the mouth-watering buffet on that Christmas day instead cause is my ofukuro's tanjoubi. My kazoku(family) we went Downtown East...The Sakura International Buffet Restaurant....Highly recommended over seoul garden or other places similar....^_^V

There is all-u-can-eat style of buffet lol....We reach b4 6pm and stay until 9pm....3 hours of eating...mostly.....haha...Yumyum...>.<
Then got TURKEY....Lotsa seafood stuffs (mussel, oyster, prawns, CRABS).....Jap food (Sushi, sashimi, salmon, unagi, takoyaki) and ICE-CrEam(many flavours), puddings and LOG CAKE plus many other food that i laazy to write....hehe...hehe....Bwahahahhaahah

SO because i am a very nice person.....U.U''''' I will tell u all some tips on HOW TO SURVIVE A BUFFET AND GETTING ALL UR MONEYS WORTH BACK....umm....sou sou...Boku wa ii hito daze :P

1) Go for the obvious most expensive food first....VERY IMPORTANT.... Food u normally cannot eat on a daily basis lah....crabs, mussels, turkey...etc

2) Don't take so much from one type but try to aim to try all the food available....and eat more of the good ones lah.... in order to get ur ben qian back...haha

3) DO NOT...i repeat...DO NOT eat rice in any form...cause will make u full fast.....or potatoes

4) Don't drink so much gassy drinks in the middle....drink non-gassy drinks better but not too much too....cause that's wat i do normally and i really regreted it....can drink at the end though if u are not too full....*.*

5) Be determine to stay as long as possible.....as long as possible.....if full at least take some lighter dessert to show that u are still eating....so that people will not chase u away....then can rest a bit.....BUT MUST REMEMBER to go for another round.....well....at least until u feel satisfied lol...(Chuckles maniacally)

Well that was my experience usually when i go eat buffet with my family....My oyaji is the one who insist that we must stay until the shop close....And must eat as much as possible....Haha....
If anyone come together with my family on outing....u might not need to see movie again cause my family antics beats any 5 star movie and somemore can see 4 free lol.....
Then also can learn the technique of eating a lot....".

Hope u guys also had a wonderful Christmas and also wish a Happy new year once again...AKEMASHITE OMEDETOU!!!!!
Sakura Kiss

Hiya.....A bit lazy to write these days....sigh... Going to school reopen soon-_-
Had a nightmare that i was in school but not exactly the school we know lah.....I forget the middle part but somehow was running over the place. Then got lost cause the place somehow very huge.....Next thing is i remembered got exam lol... And already past the time.....so i panicked and rush all over the place trying to look for classroom but keep on getting lost....haha...Then it was like a wave of feelings very overwhelming cause if miss exam is 50% to 70% over...so die liao....Then i woke up super scared....seriously like all the air sucked out from u
It's damn stupid dream lah...At first i was dreaming something else but my dream like to change halfway through one.....+_+''''
Oh no...i think it's a sign that i getting stress out for the exam lol and i also haven study anything yet ....Nooooo!!!!!! Also must be careful of being late.....so maybe i should thank my dream lol...><''''

Well the latest news is that i got my new specs.... not that bad looking but still getting use to the new look...(Better dun laugh hor!!!!^-^)

On 14 Jan...2 wks time...5pm at Victoria concert hall....If wan tickets must tell me soon...$12
Very appreciated if anyone could take the time to come down to listen to our music lol "_
Sakura Kiss

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Yo.....2mr is Christmas EVE and then THE REAL Xmas DAY!!!!!Yay.....@-@
Happy Christmas Minna-san(everyone) and also going to be new year soon....It's the year of pigs and to all P-I-Gs (Professional & Intelligent Guys/Girls) out there.....Is your year so enjoy IT!!!!!!! ^_^

Speaking of Xmas eve....2mr going out with my family to buffet and eat till i drop.....haha....HELP ME!!!!! I think i going to put on more weight lol *.*
This person in my house say to me that if i lost 5kg during the hols then he give me money....lol....Then i told him "Bring it on"......Still now with so much event happening, like very hard to shi xian lol....>.<

I think holidays are bad for people like me....(No SPCore values)..... :P
At least during sch term got a schedule to keep but now...... i am so addicted to my laptop that i hug it to sleep.....if i got sleep that is....

Oh ya.... i buying new spectacles and collecting it nxt wk....So can see my NEW look when sch reopens....>_* Hopefully not that funny looking....(DUN LAUGH HOR!!!!)

Currently reading a book (not manga) by Arthur Conan Doyle....... Is very thick and getting interesting.... Imagine if i could know someone's characteristics just by grabbing the hand and also saying the catchphrase "Elementary my dear XXX" #_^
The style of writing is above my level but still readable......I really like the humour hidden within the sarcasirm of the lines of the characters...... Olden times english people have really high and intelligent sense of humour.... u dunno that it is funny until u read through every line in the story.....Compare to modern slapstick jokes.....is definitely 108000 miles away..... $.$

Well i'll keep my rants to another time......and then i will really rant alot.....haha.....Matta ne....(winks)
Sakura Kiss

Friday, December 22, 2006
HIYA!!!! Finally update my blog....Actually a bit lazy to write lol>.<
It's The HOLS!!! Yay yay yay!!! 3 weeks no sch but still got my Chem report haven finish...sigh....
One very important fact to note after my long absence from blogging is that i'm 17 years old NOW!!!!(clap hands...drum roll ""-_-)
I went Malaysia 2 times end nov and 3 dec, hopefully can show the pics....if i'm not that lazy lol....
Anyway during hols got go back 2 sch for band (duhhhh) and stay home to sleep and watch anime everyday haha...Really slack loh...@.@ 2dae go back sch to study with ZY and we did chem and bit of math....But totally don't understand how it is done loh....DIEEEEE "_
To go on to more erm.....interesting business...
Band lah....Must tell me if u wanna go hor...Come and support MEEEE!!!! ^.^
Nxt week going to register 4 my nxt year jap course. I pass obviously even though i did'nt take the paper and lost 100 marks....argghhh...My written paper was super horrible!!!! I got 87 marks (SOBSSSS) Didn't expect it loh....and because i forgot to take the dictation and listening test it was a HORRIBLE result!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!
Anyway to a more happy tone....The Anime Character for the month and probably the next (until i get my eyes on a cuter bishie) is this person from Trinity Blood.
He is SUUUPERR Cute!!!! I watch finish the anime and now going for the manga...*_*
I LUV his Krusnik form....As cool as Ginji when he is Raitei...

The story of Trinity Blood is complicated with vampires and humans involve in a war.....Then this main character is a priest who works to protect humans.....But he happens to be something other than the vampires.....A vampire who feeds on vampire....Interesting plot.... And when he transform is SSSOOOO heart throbbing....(Kakkoii!!!!)

A similar character to this might be another one of my favourites.....Ginji from GB.....As to the reason nxt time then say....Ja ne...... :D
Sakura Kiss

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hey...hey....Dec 1st is only 2 wks away ne...Tanoshimi desu...Can't wait 4 an age older...haha...
Haizzz.....Have to talk and fan xing about my friday........Gomen gomen minna-san...SOOO SSOOOrrrryyy Desu!!!!!!!!! Firstly i overslept and decide to pon BSBM pract which i shouldn't do, now i have to worry about it....then i promise (sort of) u guys (u noe who lah-_-) that i will go for GEMs later...>.< In the end i overslept again and decided to pon class again...haha...-3- U all waited 4 me while i sleeping at home...HONTOU(Really) ni GOMENASAI!!!!!! I swear that nxt wk will not be late...HAI!!!! Really feeling Guilty now (SOB) Hansei shimashita.... U.U'''

Anyway after that, at night i DID go 4 band lol....Cause missed 2 practs during e-learning wk already....My lips very retard after 2 wks of not practicing....my tonguing sux when playing Star Wars and i sound very airy.....+_+'''' Today(sat) went back sch in the morning for sectionals....i can't believe i manage to wake up...Haha...

After that i went Kino and bought 1 more Yamato Nadeshiko manga....Zy wants to borrow it after i recommended to her...Yay!!! I feel proud that i can get more people to be interested(hopefully)....QZ should watch more anime too in order to improve her jap....like me *.*
Oh yeah...Btw.... i won't be getting good score 4 my jap cause I TOTALLY FORGOTTEN TO GO AND SIT FOR THE TEST!!!!!!!!! The dictation and listening worth 100 mrks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think i will pass cause the passing grade is 125 mrks and i already sat 4 150 mrks written and oral which got not much problem.....It was ON WED LOHHHH!!!!! After chem pract i went straight home and slept for 10 hrs straight!!! AND I ALSO FORGET!!!!! I only remember on fri lol....
Worst is he will KILLL ME!!!!!! I haven't told my parents yet but they also sure to nag one but not as bad as HIM!!!!

This week damn sway.....everyday late.... have to really slap myself hard and mian bi si guo lol....Nxt wk must start afresh.....got another A&P test on cardiac and math quiz and BSBM report to hand in.....Sigh so BBBiiiiiZZZZZ!!!! Ganbatte Watashi!!!! Fight On Watashi!!!!!

Sakura Kiss

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

If you were to travel to an alternate world/dimension.....you would definitely NOT choose to get flush down the toilet by a couple of bullies whom you were trying to save a classmate from....Neither will you expect the inhabitants of that world to be dressed like a cosplay attraction(Yes...it must be a dream), throw stones when they saw your hair and eye colour or even saved you!!! Then after a flying skeleton rescued you, the handsome man on horseback who took you away; who seemed to know your name started greeting you as 'Your Majesty'.
Who says that people who travel to another world must be a dragon-slaying hero, that's too common and dragons are protected creatures anyway.....

This was what 15 year old Shibuya Yuuri encountered one day. On the way home, he saw a classmate Murata Ken was being harrassed by bullies and feeling that he should stop them, provoked the bullies into flushing his head down the girls' toilet into a blackhole into another land. He got into some trouble at first because of the language barrier but his abilities were forcedly invoke by a knight named Aldelbert(who is consider a bad guy for half the series) and he could finally understand what the people were saying.( A bit confusing?)
Help came to Yuuri in the form of a handsome knight Conrad Weller and a flying skeleton who took him away from Aldelbert as he was in fact a traitor....(Confuse again, nvm can forget that part)

The knight brought Yuuri to a hut where a silver-haired bishounen type man waits to greet and hug him....They address Yuuri as 'Heika'(Your Majesty) while Yuuri was absolutely confused and wished that it was all a dream......But no, the silver-haired man Gunter(Gi-yu-n-ta) told the boy that he possessed the soul of the 27th Maou(demon king) due to his black hair, black eyes and black uniform(Common in Asia people) and he was to lead the Mazoku(demon tribe) in a war to get rid of all the humans in this world.....

Being a protector of justice who didn't know about his identity before (Actually his father is a mazoku while his mother is human), Yuuri was hesitant about accepting the role as king of a nation. Not to mention the half-brothers of Conrad, Gwendal Von Walde(Black ponytail hair) and Wolfram Von Bieldefield(Blonde Hair) do not approve of their king coming from earth.
Many things happened and Yuuri realised that the people and country needs him to stop the fight between Mazoku and humans for world peace. He finally became the Maou and began to make changes with the help of all his loyal subjects.....

It is a very fun show to watch with many bishounen characters and unexpected characters make the show have a slight mystery twist in season 2 episodes. The comedy is good and this is one show that the main male character proposed to a certain blonde bishounen without knowing and got himself a male fiance accidentally...haha...Shounen-ai(not really).

AHHHHH.....It's a must watch!!!! The One very good reason to watch it is.....Yuuri is voiced by Sakurai Takahiro!!!!!! Sakurai Banzai!!!!!(Hearts all over the place)

Ja next up will be the Kyou Kara Maou! Characters......Btw.....my dream birthday present is The Perfect Fanbook of Kyou Kara Maou!.....In Orchard Kino....$40.80.....With DRAMA CD!!! Sakurai, Ishida and Miyata's voices.....KYAHHHH!!!!!
Sakura Kiss

Monday, November 13, 2006

Hi..hi...Haven't blog 4 some days...miss me??^_^''''
So today is the first day after e-learning week....sway got A&P test and Jap test....
A&P i only study a little loh..(zi zuo zi shou) and totally blanked out for the essay on respiratory membrane......AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hontou ni Saiyaku!!!(Worst).
After school have to go for jap test but i didn't want to go home cause it will be a waste of time lol..Then thought of going to QZ place.....but then finally i ask Daren and he also staying back YAY!!!(Bui!) We went library and borrowed DVDs to watch in school....Then one of the headphones got problem and Daren keep changing the TV LOL"_
The jap test i think i made a few careless mistakes.....USO DESHOU....IIIYYYAAAA!!!!!

Phew....have to calm down....haha...U_U So this few days have been watching new animes like La Corda D'oro(Quite interesting now), Ghost Hunt(Quite mysterious) n also watch finish xXxHolic....Very NIce!!!(i downloading manga now and also tempted to buy..) Then YES! I finally can download the 2 missing eps of Kyou Kara Maou!

Recent songs that i'm crazy about.....Ashita no Kioku from Black Blood Brothers [It's a vampire show but very funny and the main character is voiced by Sakurai Takahiro(WAI!)]
Egao no Wake from Shounen Onmyouji [It's a novel-turned anime about the main character training to be the best Onmyouji to defeat his grandfather....His Shikigami is Mokkun aka Guren aka Touda.....guess u are confused....nvm all will be revealed in due time...]
Colours of the Heart from Blood+ [A very dark theme show with good plot and animation].

Let's all learn another anime......Starting with Kyou Kara Maou!

Sakura Kiss

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ah..ah..Kyou wa Kayoubi deshita. Today woke up at 11+am and panic a little cause i running late 4 school....the irritating chem remedial lah:3 Then since i was slightly late...took taxi to MRT station and spent $3.50. Then i was 4 mins late and found out that i forget to bring calculator(change bag)...Die loh until i got to classroom and he not there yet....I was like 'heng never late' and we waited....there were like 20+ people there...and we waited...people start getting impatient....continue to wait....talking very loudly now....waited until almost 30mins...STILL NEVER COME THAT LKS!!!!

Half the class left...they didn't care anymore...the other half of us including me, jiawen, dawn continue to wait until 40mins pass then we "what the heck! Go home lah" and left...ARGHH...wasted money taking taxi...one hour journey some more!!! CURSE U LKS!!! So Swayzz loh...-_- Then i went FC3 to eat and spent another hour travelling home. Fri have to come lo most probably.....
Today plan to do some e-learning stuffs, finish some quizs but i watch anime again.... Haiyo watashi....^.^ But i did 2 posts on the CRS already...Banzai!!!*_*

Ja ne...Nxt time will introduce a CHO Omoshiroi(interesting) Anime ..... >_*

Sakura Kiss

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Today woke up and went for Jap lessons.... last lesson and next week is the EXAM!!! There's like 4 parts--Written 100mks, Oral 50mks, Listening 50mks, Dictation 50mks= 250mks.....+_+ The test is the entire year's topics and have to pass in order to get to intermediate....O.O But my case is different lo....That idiotic brother(who is the one paying 4 my lessons) insists that i must get 100% in order to let me continue.....sigh....NO!!! Actually i know i can get 90+% one...but to get 100%...that is if i check + recheck + recheck my paper for careless mistakes lah X_X

So actually in today's class where the teacher got give us Very Obvious Tips(VOT), we practice listening and reading short passage and i all get correct YAY!!! Nxt week have to go for test on Sun, Mon n Wed....Siao so many days...:3 Also have to study for A&P....sigh....sianzzz....Ever since the truama i feel un-motivated to study..>x<

Anyway...after lessons i went to Orchard Kinokuniya....Bought 3 Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge Mangas....a recent anime that is CHO Funny!!! The book is real funny too!!! Sunako-chan kakkoii!!! Then went to drool at my dream present....The Perfect Fanbook for Kyou Kara Maou!!! Plus DRAMA CD *_* Featuring Sakurai, Ishida and Miyata's voice....AHHHHHH!!!!! @_@
Tried reading the Shounen Onmyouji jap novel but failed(i only flip through and read a bit to guess that it's a bit different from the anime--can't wait for chinese translations or the manga lol...) Mokkun and Guren Very Cute in the anime!!! Kaida Yuki's voice also suit Masahiro very well...:D

I tried earlier to edit my Keroro Gunsou post to add some things but failed...T.T So i started on this post(cheers)... Any way Matta ne...
Sakura Kiss

Saturday, November 04, 2006

After the tiring day....i mess this blog up till 6+am^_^ Thankfully can sleep till 4+pm...Haha.....Then that irritating brother of mine had to come to my room and tease me (tickling + calling me garfield again).....he going Australia 4 reservice...ermm good riddance(*_^).... and he say he going to miss me and remember me everyday wondering wat trouble i will get into....AHHH!!!! Suge Mukatsuku!! :3 bu...irairaira...

Watch a lot of Keroro Gunsou 2dae on Youtube....i never download this cause its like 130+ episodes.....and i now at 90+ already...YAY (Bui!!) It's Super FUNNY!!!! Super CRAZY!!! High recomendation.....

The story is about a team of frog aliens from the planet Keron Sei, lead by the green frog Keroro Gunsou out to invade earth.....er...Pekopon -_- He (un)luckily stranded himself in the house of the Hinata family....the strongest Pekoponjins...who usually manage to stop most of his diabolic plans from succeeding....hmm....
He soon found his 4 other combrades/subordinates....or rather they found him...
Thus the quest to conquer Pekopon began...that is if Keroro manage to do all the household chores, watch finish Geroro Kanchou, read finish his manga, serve the internet, get his hands on all the Gunplas in the world....defeating the Hinata family(impossible*.*)...Haizzz....>_<
At least we can be sure our planet won be invaded by any aliens soon Hehe..(Smile)

  1. Keroro Gunsou(Sergeant)--The green frog and leader of the Keroro Shoutai...His mission is to be the frontier to conquer Pekopon + Gunplas...Oh yes he looks cute & innocent coming up with the most sadistic plans for world domination(mwahaha)....But it seems he hasn't been successful yet....The reason? Most of his plans involve making money so that he can buy his overly obsessed Gunplas(which at times get destroyed)....Kawaisou XD....Watch out for the most sinister of ideas ever coming from the most kawaii frog alien invader...X_X

Tamama Nitohei(Second private)-- The cute & lovely blue tapole. He aims to be the best fighter in the galaxy + to eat all the sweets in the world + to get rid of "that woman" + to be with his Gunsou-san....He has a twisted personality that will change when he is provoked by jealousy.O_O Watch out for his Tamama Impact when he gets jealous especially if you get too close to his Gunsou-san >.< ....He lives with Nishizawa Momoka, a multi-billion company heiress...which allows him to have as much sweet snacks as he wants....

Giroro Gocho(Coporal)-- The red frog always seen with a gun in his hand....He is probably the only one serious to conquer Pekopon, but due to him being an elite soldier, he is forced to obey his leader aka Keroro's selfish orders.^-_-^ I cannot believe that he continues to trust Keroro with making the plans and follows them with drastic results....sigh...Poor Giroro. He is in LOVE with Hinata Natsumi(obviously she doesn't know) and it is SO funny when he blushes whenever he sees her.. so far as to almost destroy an entire ship to save her...Kakkoii!!!

Kururu Soucho(Sergeant Major)-- The genius inventor yellow frog with swirls glasses....At first i was surprise that his rank is above Keroro yet Keroro is the team leader but it seems the Keron rule that rank does not matter with who being leader.....thus our Gunsou stays as leader....."_ Kururu is the inventor/tecnician of the team, always inventing weird mechas under his Taicho's orders... He has a very...erm...interesting laughter KUKUKUKU and he seems to know the consequences of Keroro's plans but having (probably) the most evil personality.... he assists them to see the fun....@_@

Dororo Heicho(Lance Coporal)-- The light blue ninja frog with a love for nature and is eternally forgotten...T.T....He is swift with his sword(even though he does not kill) and able to use Ninpou learned from his human partner, the kunoichi Azumaya Koyuki....After being used and abused(?) by Keroro during their childhood, Dororo has this "Trauma Switch" which he often slips into after being forgotten again for goodness knows how many times...(laughs) He starts to remember his things which Keroro broke, doing ridiculous stuffs for him, being forgotten when they were playing hide-n-seek and lotsa....He is Very likable and does not want to conquer Pekopon T_<

Angol Mois -- The cute bishoujo 'King Of Terror'. She was sent to destroy Pekopon on July 1999 as predicted by Nostradums, however it seems she arrived 500 years too early and slept in earth's orbit only to wake up 5 years later in 2004....(haiyo!!) Now we know why Armaggedon did not happen LOL>_<

There's still lots more characters to come in future in this fun-filled comedy with parodys of the wackiest theme, guarenteed LAUGH-OUT effects...What are you waiting...?? Go check it out NOW!!!!!<<$GERORI$>>

Sakura Kiss

Ahhh...Today is a super tiring day T.T From morning 8am until 5pm got classes....so sianzzz...We did BSBM practical and have to hand in report!!!IIyaaa>x<

Just realise so much stuffs to do during e-learning wk...even though no sch they still wk us like mad (angry). Also have to go back 4 chem remedial...i fail lah...can't believe how brainless i am lol...

Then 2dae the grp of us went to the Student Hub and play pool-$1- Very fun leh...I suddenly can hit the ball for no reason even though it was jumpy -_-"" XS made the white ball jump over the ball he want to hit and it went straight into the hole...I was like wow!! he can compete with Ryouma's Drive B in the ep Billard no Oujisama.Cho Omoshiroi ne..Pool wa...

Another funny...erm interesting trivia was that i know now that the pool sticks must be at least 1.4m+ long thanks to enlightment from somewhere around me....:D (Gomen i just had to write it down hehe)Well....So we play until time to go 4 GEMS...

Worse thing is i slept through Gems using my lab coat as pillow LOL ^_^ And right where i can be easily seen....sigh... Then we got chem where LKS did the tutqns and i cannot understand that last one loh.... Then it was time 4 band....i plan to skip nxt wk thanks to the assignments + remedial+_+

Then during sects i saw QZ and her friend walk by definitely going home....definitely skipping astro again..Haizzz...

Anyway very tired now... i reach home 11+pm and now is like 2+am...thankfully can sleep 2mr....then got work waiting...Naze da?! Ganbatte watashi!!!
Ja matta ato te ne... when i got time to blog about anime....
Sakura Kiss

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Konnichiwa! I can't believe i using blog 4 1st time lol...*_* So i'm happily experimenting blogging to myself....hehe:D
Today was not as suei as yesterday loh...that teacher is now thinking that i'm an idiot loh (Damn). Anyway 2dae got BSBM test. Me and QZ have been betting in the test who get the higher marks.....$_$ i tell u she surely lose one loh... cause her marks very good and she sure get higher....Haha....then she can be my{Servant Of The Day}>.- Joking la...

Btw.... the picture is Tare Ginji of Get Backers.... i will definitely blog alot on him.....datte hontou ni kawaii yo!!!!!
This blog will mostly be about my ookii anime craze and introduce some jap language (actually i dun have program to write jap but nvm...)

Ja matta....BYe and enjoy!!!
Sakura Kiss

Name:D Christabel(Yuna-chan)
Age:D Less than 20
D.O.B:D 01 Dec 19XX (Dun forget my pressies)*_*
Country:D Singapore
Schools:D MBS,TKGS,SP(DBT) Hobbies/Interest:D Watching ANIME!!! Reading MANGA!!! Sleep and enjoy life by eating>.< Learning Jap...Fulfill my GREATO no Ambition (BWAHAHA!!!)
Fav. Anime:D Many to talk about
Fav. Songs:D AnimeJpop...Lotsa
Fav. Female Seiyuus:D Hayashibara Megumi, Paku Romi, Takayama Minami, Minagawa&Takeuchi Junko, Kaida Yuki and some others...
Fav. Male Seiyuus:D Ishida Akira, Sakurai Takahiro, Koyasu Takehito, Miki Shinichiro, Midorikawa Hikaru, Hoshi Souichiro, Morikubo Shoutarou and many more...
Fav. Manga:D Also Lotsa >_<
Fav. Food:D Potato XXX ermmm...carbohydrates...
Dislikes:D Not being able to watch anime, use computer, studying(Oh no@.@) and Toufu
Shortcomings:D Always like to talk to myself...^_+"" Hu si luan xiang + 101 bad habits...sigh

*$QiU**ZhEn$* *#@ZiYaN@#* *?&HuI**PeNg&?* *!:XiANg*ShENg:!* ^^Liting^^* Link* Link* *Anime Downloads* *Anime Music*

<$Bishoujo Tenshi$>
<$Methuselah Terran$>

Current Animes Chasing:D Hayate no Gotoku!, Claymore, Shijyou Saikyou no deshi Kenichi, Gintama, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kaze no Stigma..nado...
Current Mangas Chasing:D Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, Trinity Blood, Full Metal Alchemist, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Ouran Kouko Host Club, Get Backers(very slowly)....nado nado..
Current Fav. Songs:D Howling by Abington Boys School(Darker than Black OP1), Kakusei Heroism by Antic Cafe(Darker than black Op2)